Feminizing Jaw and Chin Contouring Surgery
Feminizing Jaw and Chin Bone Contouring Surgery
Understanding Masculine Lower Face Features
A masculine lower face commonly features a prominent jawbone, especially at the mandibular angle, as well as a broad or square-shaped chin bone. In contrast, the shape of the lower jaw in females tends to have a more gradual curve or a “V” line. The goal of feminizing jaw and chin bone contouring surgery is to reshape the jawline to be femininely small, smooth, and sloping.
Causes of Mandibular Angle Prominence
The prominence of the mandibular angle primarily comes from the bony part rather than the cheek muscle. Dr. Chettawut typically does not reduce the amount of cheek muscle as this can affect chewing ability and cause prolonged swelling.
Preoperative Assessment

The exact amount and line of bone resection are determined through clinical examination and specific X-ray views. This ensures precise planning for the best surgical outcome.
Surgical Technique by Intra-Oral Approach
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Incisions are made along the sulcus between the gum and cheek mucosa to access the prominent areas of the jawbone.
A template model from the X-ray film is used to determine the line of bone resection. The resection starts from the most back area of the angle, down to the angle with a smooth natural curve, and forward to join with the chin area. The marked area of prominent bone is cut with a surgical drill and micro-saw, curving down from back to front, to achieve the best-rounded contour without stepping. All stitches are self-dissolving.
Postoperative Care
Postoperative care instructions will be provided to ensure proper healing and recovery. Following these instructions closely will help achieve the best possible results from the surgery.
Benefits of Feminizing Jaw and Chin Contouring
Feminizing jaw and chin bone contouring surgery can significantly enhance the facial aesthetics of transgender women and others seeking a more feminine appearance. By reshaping the jawline and chin, the procedure creates a softer, more delicate look that aligns with typical female facial features.