Feminizing Rhinoplasty (Reshaping nose surgery)
Rhinoplasty Information
What is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery, is a highly individualized procedure that requires a thorough evaluation of the bones and cartilages making up the nose’s skeleton. Dr. Chettawut’s goals for feminizing rhinoplasty focus on achieving maximum improvement in the most natural-looking manner.
Evaluation and Planning
The structures inside the nose are carefully assessed, and the relationship of the nose to your overall facial structure is evaluated. Common concerns for rhinoplasty patients include the size of the nasal hump (bridge or bump) and the shape of the nasal tip (pointy end of the nose).
Feminizing Rhinoplasty Technique
Dr. Chettawut typically performs feminizing rhinoplasty using the standard open technique, which provides better access compared to the closed technique. This approach helps to reduce the height of the nasal bridge and the base of the nasal bone, achieving a smaller nose with a slight concave profile. The procedure also includes tip-plasty, which involves carving and modifying the lower cartilage structure to provide a slight upturn and a smaller nose tip.
Procedure Steps
- Skeletonization: Exposing the underlying skeleton of bone and cartilage from the overlying skin.
- Osteotomies: Reducing the nasal hump and improving a twisted nose. If the bridge is wide, it can be narrowed by fracturing the bone on each side and moving it closer to the center.
- Refining the Tip: Resecting a portion of the tip cartilage to help achieve refinement or narrowing of the nasal tip.
Alarplasty is a common procedure done together with rhinoplasty. It narrows the base of the nose and the flared nostrils by removing a small wedge of tissue from the base of the nose. Alarplasty can be done as a standalone surgery or at the same time as rhinoplasty.
Anesthesia for Your Rhinoplasty
Due to the nature of the surgery, which commonly involves bone narrowing or reshaping, Dr. Chettawut prefers general anesthesia. This ensures that patients are totally asleep and comfortable during the operation.
After Your Surgery
A splint (cast) is usually applied to the nose to maintain its shape. Nasal packs may also be placed in the nostrils to stabilize the modified bone and cartilage. The nasal packs are removed on the second postoperative day, and the