How to do the correct breast massage to prevent hard breast after breast augmentation surgery
Breast Massage After Augmentation Surgery

Purpose of Breast Massage
The purpose of breast massage after breast augmentation surgery with implants is to prevent irregular thick tissue formation or capsular contracture, which is characterized by a hard breast or abnormal breast shape.
Dr. Chettawut’s technique for preventing capsular contracture involves the application of continuous pressure by pressing the implant at the center for 5-10 minutes (NOT by doing on and off pressing or squeezing massage). With efficient pressure, the breast implant will expand in all directions, stretching and pushing the surrounding tissue away, resulting in proper healing without abnormal scar formation or contraction.
Benefits of Regular Breast Massage
Regular breast massage using the correct method ensures that the breasts will have a beautiful, natural shape and feel soft, like normal breasts when touched or pressed.
Correct Breast Massage Technique
1. Positioning
Sit or stand while performing the massage. Lying down is not recommended because this position cannot provide efficient pressure to the breast.
2. Hand Placement
Place your dominant hand over the nipple, ensuring the lower palm is in contact with the nipple where the central part of the breast implant is located. Using the upper side of the palm or fingers is not recommended as it cannot fully apply pressure to the breasts. Place the non-dominant hand over the dominant one and start pressing with both hands to apply maximum force directed at the breast.
3. Applying Pressure
Apply firm and constant pressure for 5 minutes to one breast, then do the same to the other breast. It is crucial to maintain stable force for the entire 5 minutes. Use your body weight to strengthen the pressing force by determining a position that allows you to continuously apply maximum pressure against the implant.

Method 1 – Sitting Position with Knee touching the back of the hand

Method 2 – Leaning against the wall while in standing position
4. Alternating Breasts
Massage each breast alternately, switching from left to right for a minimum of 3 rounds per session to complete 30 minutes per session. It is recommended to do at least 3 sessions per day, totaling around 90 minutes per day. If the breast(s) feels tight, it is helpful to do more than 3 sessions or longer than the recommended time.
5. Consistency
Performing the breast massage EVERY DAY is key to preventing capsular contracture. Dr. Chettawut highly recommends continuing the massage every day for 1 year after surgery to ensure the best outcome. Gradually decrease this routine after 1 year.
6. Self-Massage
It is advisable to do the breast massage yourself, as asking another person to do this routine may make the massage ineffective, increasing the chance of developing capsular contracture.